Natural stress relief relaxation autogenics is used to relieve symptoms of psychosomatic stress disorders. This method of stress relief can be used to help individuals in their daily lives through a series of focusing exercises done three times a day for 15 minutes each, and each exercise is easy enough to practice anywhere.
Evolution of Autogenics
Autogenics has been used as a method of stress relief for over a century. In the 1880s Oskar Vogt, a brain physiologist for the Berlin Neuro Biological Institute, noted that some patients used self-hypnosis with measured success. He began experimenting with various self-hypnosis techniques with his colleague, Korbinian Brodmann. Their work in the field of autogenic training laid the groundwork for Johannes Schultz.
In 1932, Mr. Schultz perfected autogenic training. Using this technique, patients would repeat a series of visualizations to induce relaxation. The patients were taught to practice these visualizations three times each day, in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. The visualizations were to last 15 minutes each time. These exercises were developed using the theories of suggestion and autosuggestion developed by Emile Coue, Ambroise-Auguste Liebeault, and Abbe Faria.
Autogenics Training
Anyone can learn natural stress relief relaxation autogenics techniques. It can be done virtually anywhere, especially after the practice has been mastered.
Body Position
The body position is important for autogenics. There are three positions that will help you achieve relaxation:
- The Coachman - Sit on a chair or stool and let your head hang forward. Then let your arms and forearms rest at your side or on your thighs. The legs should be positioned comfortably and the eyes closed.
- Easy Chair - Sit in a comfortable chair. The arms should be resting on the chair arms or on the thighs. The legs should be resting in a comfortable position with the feet pointing slightly outward. Eyes should be closed.
- Reclining - Lay on a comfortable bed or couch with arms at the side. The head should be resting on a pillow. Legs should be straight and not touching each other. Toes should be pointing slightly outward and eyes should be closed.
Warm Up Exercises
The warm up exercises help you to develop proper breathing for relaxation. It prepares the body for total relaxation and the release of stress. First, visualize that you're putting on a mask that will totally relax your face, easing all of the tension and wrinkles away. The jaw should be loose and the mouth slightly open. Next, practice slowly breathing deep, belly-filling breaths. Then begin counting each breath- inhale "one" then exhale "one, two." The next inhale would be "one, two" and the exhale "one, two, three, four." Continue this until you count up to six when inhaling and twelve when exhaling.
The next part of autogenics training is the visualization technique. Each of the following phrases is divided in half; inhale on the first part of the phrase and exhale on the second part of the phrase.
- My right arm is getting / limp and heavy (repeat 6-8 times)
- My right arm is getting / heavier and heavier (repeat 6-8 times)
- My right arm / is completely heavy (repeat 6-8 times)
Repeat the sequence with the left arm. Then visualize the following:
- I feel / supremely calm (say 1 time)
- My heartbeat is /calm and regular (repeat 3 times)
- My solar plexus is/ warm (repeat 3 times)
- My forehead is/ cool" (say 1 time)
Try Natural Stress Relief Relaxation Autogenics
Many people who learn autogenics have found that they feel refreshed and invigorated after each session. They no longer feel stress in their bodies. As an added bonus, they feel ready to take on anything that life throws at them and they're more confident. If you're feeling stressed out, try natural stress relief relaxation autogenics techniques and achieve total body relaxation without frustrations or worries.